a convention calendar for the Southeastern U.S.


How to Submit a Convention

If you know of a convention that is not already in our convention calendar, all you need to do to get it listed is to send us the following information to

Name of Convention
Start & End Date
City & State
Website address (or email if no website)

Also, if you need to correct any existing listings or have any inquiries, you can use the same email.

Note: Please take moment to search out complete convention calendar to see if your con is already listed. We're pretty good at finding new (and updated) cons. Thanks.

For the purposes of this guide, we have configured our coverage region to include: Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, Arkansas, Tennessee, Kentucky, Virginia, West Virginia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Maryland, and portions of Texas and Missouri. We also include the Caribbean cruise ship conventions that leave from Florida and Louisiana in the (so far) vain hope that one day we'll get invited to one of the cruises. We'll even offer to bartend, if that helps to seal the deal.

The Southern Fandom Resource Guide convention calendar is a free online service provided for the Science Fiction fandom community.  
Website founded August, 1995.  Contents © Copyright 2025 by
Kelly Lockhart.  All Rights Reserved.